how to care for your weavings
Do not tug, pull, or poke the fibers or tassel
Lightly dust every so often, if desired
Do not wash or spot clean
Gently comb out the fringe and tassels with fingers, don’t pull on the fringe/tassels if they become tangled. Gently untangle without combing.
If you have thick wool braids (the puffy things) that have flattened, gently squish to fluff. Do not pull at them.
hanging your weaving
Keep out of reach of children and animals
Hang with nail for the string or is you want to hang from the dowel/stick level out two nails on ends of dowel.
There is a front and backside to all weavings, so hang accordingly. Just look for the ugly side and that’s (hopefully) the back.
Try not to hang in constant direct sunlight, due to fading. And avoid very wet places as well, as it may warp and stretch the fibers.